20 February 1917 The American Star Line freighter Algonquin, loaded with about $1.25M in food stuffs leaves New York Harbor bound for London. She would become the next American ship sunk by the Germans.
24 February 1917 U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain Walter Page having been given the copy of the decrypted telegram by Admiral Hall, sends the decrypted Zimmermann telegram to the U.S. State Department in Washington.
27 February 1917 U.S. Secretary of State Robert Lansing shows President Wilson the original telegram sent by the Germans over the American diplomatic cable to Bernstorff in Washington on 16 January. Lansing also shows the President the decrypted telegram received from Walter Page in London; the decryption is of the telegram sent by Bernstorff from Washington to Mexico City in the German Diplomatic 13040 code. Wilson is not happy. He authorizes Lansing to release the telegram to the American press. Lansing calls in the Washington correspondent of the Associated Press and gives him the details of the telegram on 28 February 1917.